Information in English

General information on the Collective Management Organisation VG WORT and current press releases on international affairs are available here in English. 




Licensing of Out-Of-Commerce Works

An IFRRO Guide

Published November 2020

(Link nicht mehr vorhanden)

Second Act to adapt copyright law to the requirements of the Digital Single Market

Discussion Draft

Published 25 June 2020 by The Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection, Germany

Link »

CORONA Pandemic - Support from the social fund of VG WORT

Discussion Draft

Published 25 June 2020 by The Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection, Germany

Link »

Umbrella Organisations

VG WORT provides information here about its engagement on behalf of authors and publishers in the area of copyright law at the international level.

IFRRO, International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisation, Brussels/Belgium

The International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisations (IFRRO) is the main international network of Collective Management Organisations and creators’ and publishers’ associations in the text and image spheres. IFRRO work to protect and enable easy legal access to copyright material. VG WORT is one of the members. IFRRO is overseen by a Board of Directors, one of whose members is Dr Robert Staats, CEO of VG WORT.

SAA, Society of Audiovisual Authors, Brussels/Belgium

The Society of Audiovisual Authors (SAA) is an association of European Collective Management Organisations which has represented the copyright interests of authors in the audiovisual field since its founding in 2010. VG WORT is among the founding members of the SAA. With more than 33 members from 25 European countries, the SAA currently represents more than 140,000 screenwriters and directors from the film and television industry.

The SAA advocates for the rights of audiovisual authors at the European level. This primarily involves ensuring fair and proportional remuneration within the scope of collective rights management.

The SAA is overseen by a Board of Directors, one of whose members is Dr Robert Staats, CEO of VG WORT.